Sales Detail
View a detailed breakdown of daily, month-to-date, and year-to-date sales metrics in WorkstandIQ.
View Sales Details
- In WorkstandIQ, go to Sales > Detail.
- Adjust the store location, year, and month in the top left corner.
- Press the "Update Report" button to update the report based on the new selections made.
- The "Refresh Today" button in the top right corner can be used to refresh the data points in the report.
- The "Enable Exclusions" checkbox can be used to exclude specific items from being included in this report.
- To view or set the exclusions, click on the Gear Icon in the top right-hand corner then select "Other Settings."
- Under the "Exclusions" tab is where the exclusions can be set then they can be toggled on / off with the "Enabled Exclusions" checkbox back on the Sales Detail page.
- Under each column, the individual metrics can be toggled on/off by pressing the appropriate button.